Live art
Most of my tattoos came about simply because I am bored with my life.
I know this is an unattractive statement, boredom is boring, but that's really how many of my tats came to be: I'm sitting on my couch, watching TV and something goes across the screen and I say that looks cool.
I sketch it and visualize that somewhere in my skin. A month or two later that's what I have, but much more developed and customized and original. This samurai Batman versus ninja demon Joker is at 24 hours, and 7 sittings, so far. Click the pictures for the high quality close ups. After I get the background, I'll take another set of good pictures.

I enjoy being a living canvas, a temporary piece of art, a continuous work in progress. You can easily envision a rectangular canvas. You have one in front of you right now, electronic and fluid, upon which you are reading these words I write. But then see that canvas torn and stretched and wrapped around a body so it covers every inch. Tattoos are not permanent, life is not permanent. Nothing is permanent. Get this tattooed: "Not forever, just for the rest of my life." That is a crucial thought. I am not permanent. Worthwhile efforts and acheivements are honorable, research and discovery of the unknown, passing on ancient wisdom and newly earned information are noble pursuits in life. Exploring the extent to which the human body can be changed is a fantastic yet visably possible reality. It is still 2005, but I am mentally preparing myself for a near future when people modify their bodies beyond even my highly developed imagination. I'd like to give examples, and I could easily list several dozen and their literary origins (just ask:), but the point is that The Point is to come up with something new and mind blowing. (There are many words or names for what people do to alter their apperance, the current best seems to be "body modification" which thus far should include tattoos, piercings, brandings, scarification, implants and plastic surgery.) Tattoos are cool, scars are gnarly. So what's next, what's more, what's cooler and gnarlier? Get a scar and then tattoo that scar. Textured tattoos, sure, why not, what's next? Think it up, find someone to do it to you, get it done, see what happens, show it off, watch what the next crazy bored person comes up with.
I know this is an unattractive statement, boredom is boring, but that's really how many of my tats came to be: I'm sitting on my couch, watching TV and something goes across the screen and I say that looks cool.
I sketch it and visualize that somewhere in my skin. A month or two later that's what I have, but much more developed and customized and original. This samurai Batman versus ninja demon Joker is at 24 hours, and 7 sittings, so far. Click the pictures for the high quality close ups. After I get the background, I'll take another set of good pictures.