Saturday, April 22, 2006

Fresh versus Jin (13 minutes of freestylin')

Reorganizing my Life

This seems to be the easiest place to start. My semester is into its second half, and summer will be here soon. The two English classes I'm teaching and the Japanese class I'm taking will end.
I'm excited to live here in Pacific Beach for another summer.
Then I'm off to Japan and everything will be different for me.
I need to start facilitating change in my life:

The way my blogs were:

John Francis FitzGerald is the name of my father's father, and
the name of a blog of his poems.
My Messy Desk was started to teach my father some blogging.
Purely Drunken Ramblings started off just as it sounds, but became a collection of anything alcohol related.
Society's Downfall was my second blog and it was entirely just a collection of weird pictures people had e-mailed me or I'd found online.
Sumo was originally an excellent record of Japanese wrestling, but I stopped keeping up.
Teaching English in Japan hasn't been much, but it will.
Vegas is my dog's name and also the name of a blog filled with pictures of her. Pictures of other funny looking dogs began to creep in.
Wakazashi was my first blog, mostly oriented to my tattoos, reference material used as links for artists. Some interesting videos and music thrown in, some odd art, most of it all revolved around Asian influences, but it has also been a file for anything that interested me.

Things change.
The way my blogs shall be for the foreseeable future:

Wakazashi will keep its name, but I will aim to focus on Asian art.
The Dog Blog is the new name for my dog photos and all things canine.
Ryan's Japanese Adventure is the new name for Teaching English...
This change will simply broaden my topic range.
Sumo will be more exciting when I actually see real live matches.
Society's Downfall will keep it's name and purpose as a miscellaneous collection of all the weird things that are found or sent to me.
Pure Rambling is the new name for Purely Drunken Ramblings.
John Francis FitzGerald will remain as is.
Work Station Omega is the cool new name for My Messy Desk.
SamuRyan is my first and main MySpace account.
Ryan FitzGerald is my second. I use it for my students.
Tarfful is my third MySpace account, just for laughs.

For now, please enjoy your freedom among my blogs. This is the first time that all of my blogs have been linked. You may notice that there is a sort of hiearchy or funneling, this was set up in order to keep certain people from certain subjects. Comments are welcomed.

Your favorite webpage by SamuRyan

Ninja for hire

Friday, April 21, 2006

Samurai Warriors 2

Body art (click)

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Sunday, April 16, 2006

Samurai Champloo - Fuu